As you know or don't know, My name is Muhaimin Adhwa' and i'm part of the Chi hua hua brothers blogspot. As for this week blog, we will talk about the things i do after graduated. Well i don't know what my team will do after they graduated but as for me, maybe i'll go look for fulltime work as a basic programmer since that is the course i take now. Then after that, maybe when i have a lot of money, i would surely take on a vacation with my family then after that with my friends. After that when the time's has come, i should be marry with someone i truly love haha. Well eventually though. That's all i can say to my lovely audience or viewers. The rest of the paragraphs will handle by the rest of my team and i will see you again. Tata~
Assalammualaikum and HI ! My name is Muhammad Najib Bin Mohamad Ashari and i'm the one who are the handsome boy in this group HAHA ! Naaayy Just Joking~ Okay back to the topic. Today our group gonna talk about 'Things To Do After GRADUATED' . For surely, i will enjoy with my friends with so many activities , such as picnic at sungai congkak, convoy to the Cameron Highlands, busking at Kuala Lumpur and join all the futsal competition. As you can see, all of this group are studying at KPTM KL and take Computer Science courses. Well of course , i'm gonna look for a permanent job that has a connection about Computer since that what i study right now. Then as a muslim people, we should find the mate or partner to become a wife. So then i'll save a lot of money and i gonna find my 'Jodoh' which means is mate or partner. After that, maybe the time has come, i surely will marry with my partner and will going to HONEYMOON at EUROPE ! That's all that what i can things so far after graduated. See you later and Thanks for reading it viewers ! By the way, if you want know much about me, come follow my instagram : @Najibasharii :) TQ
Hi, my name is Ishak Arbain Bin Mohd Anwar, a native of Besut,Terengganu and 18 years old. Today i want to share with you all about my career after graduation. First of all, i will be looking for work as a basic programmer to support life as a human being, surplus revenue salary i get i'll save it for the umrah with my parents. If the strong financial results, i would find or get married with a beloved and have cute and thoughtful kids. That's all.
Assalamualaikum and hello to my loyal blog’s readers, I’m mohamad fikri hadi bin Dzulkifli and today I like to write a blog about what would I do after my graduation as Diploma in science computer?.After graduated most of students, will decide to pursuit further study, but hey…we need live our life since we spent our time faced an assignment, but it is okay rather than we need to accept and adapt our annoying assignment group members, everybody must have annoying assignment group member at least one. It is now or nothing, first thing first that I will do after graduated is I will lounge around enjoy the beautiful of nature either by myself or with my lovely girlfriend, who knows? I don’t expect to lounge around a beautiful of nature outside this country beyond of this downfall of economy structure, it probably just a local holiday but if I capable to holiday overseas, I will bring the rest of my family members with, because I will feel overwhelm if I enjoy my holiday at overseas by myself without my family. Then, the second thing that I will do after my graduation is I will make a reunion with my high school friends, it is okay if the event just a simple event of reunion, because the thing that I wanted for this reunion just a value of friendship. After I have enjoy myself with the people that I love, I will find a suitable job for me, doesn’t matter what job that I will accept as long as the job give me a tolerable salary, why can’t I go for it? Doesn’t mean what we had learned is what we will be, no, it is not our responsibilities to decide who we will be, it is in a the power of the almighty, because we’re only human, just give an effort to what we want but only god will decide to give it or not. Yeah this is the thing that I will do after my graduation, I don’t want to have sufficient things that I will do and keep dreaming for it, sorry I’m not that type of person. but then, my final exam is around the corner, I hope all my readers pray for us to answer the final exam’s question without hesitation. Goodbye, pray us for luck okay..