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"Hows it goin' bros, My name is PEEEWDIEPIE" |
Since gaming industries developed in 1940 by Edward U. Condon,it had change the way of the people nowadays socialize,have fun and learning. We assume that everyone love a game either in variety of genre such as action,puzzle,horror and so on,but today,we want to introduce to you a person who make a leisure time activity into a best career ever in this world. It must be resurrected entry,and that is what we mean to. He is Felix Arvind Ulf kjellberg also known as "PEWDIEPIE"in youtube channel. He was born on 20 October 1989 and raised in gothenham sweeden. His mother Johanna,a former kappthl CIO,was named the 2010 CIO of the year in sweeden. His father,Ulf is also CIO of the company. In 2008,he graduated from Goteborgs Horge Samskola,he then went on to further studies degree in Industrial Economics and technology,but he quit on study in 2011 to focus on his youtube career and now he was happily enjoy his work by selling hot dogs and making his own gaming video.
Pewdiepie created his youtube channel on 29 april 2010. Around the time his channel earned 700,000 subscribers. Pewdiepie gave a speech at Nonick confrence 2012,about his channel and his growth of his channel reached 1 million subscribers in September 2012. In 11 July 2012,his channel reached 2 millions subscribers. Openslate ranked the Pewdiepie channel as the number 1 youtube channel by terms of their own "slatescore" rankings competing against Jenna Marbles,Smosh and Toby turner,as well as the Swedish Social Star Awards hosted in Singapore in May 2012.
He had also introduced the nominees for Most Popular Game during the live broadcast of the awards show. In June 2013 ,the channel reached 8 million and subsequently 9 million subscribers. The main focus of Pewdiepie's video is his commentary and reactions to various games as he play through them to. He playing horror and action video game. In 2014,the gamer began to more activity play games that interested on his channel,regardless if they were of their horror genre or not. On the mean time,Felix Arvind Ulf kjellberg also known as Pewdiepie got an awards for two years a row, which is in 2013 he won an awards from Starcount social star show as the most popular social show and Sweden social star categories. Unfortunately,he only nominated in 4th streamy awards as best gaming channel show,or series categories.
Pewdiepie's commentaries had a positive effect on sales of indie games,for instances the developers of Mcpixel had said "the largest force driving attention to Mcpixel at that time were 'let play" video,mostly by Jesse Cox and Pewdiepie.Pewdiepie has also been confirmed to positive influence the sales of Slender:The Eight pages and Goat Simulator. The point is,beside the fortune,an efforts and passion were significant to make our dream come true.
*Write by @Najibasharii <-- Instagram :)
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